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News from the River Cam6 July 2000: Planned meeting of the River Cam Conservancy, 9:30, The Guidhall. 13 April 2000: Meeting of the River Cam Conservancy. (1) Official review of the mooring policy will start shortly: letters to all boaters and interest groups. Official review will focus on Stourbrodge and Midsummer commons. (2) Newly released detailed figures show Camcon's income streams: punting/pontoons etc.: 27%, power/houseboats (CC+EA) 20%, rowing 6%. (3) Boats with "dangerous boat" warnings will be towed away (unless the boat is someone's home in which case formal court action will be used). Boats can otherwise be licenced with a BSS "failure" certificate for this year only.
It is not widely known, but in the winter you can navigate a powered vessel right up the River Cam through the famous 'backs' of the Colleges. Here is a small photo tour of a winter cruise up the River from Jesus Green to Coe Fen. For photographs of the river when drained of water go here. |
Wicken Fen is a National Trust area. It is one of the last undrained wetland fens in East Anglia. If your boat is less than 60' long you can navigate the lock and the tiny lode that leads right into the heart of the fen. |
The Middle Level is a system of canals built about 350 years ago to drain the fenlands of East Anglia. You can navigate a boat along many of the drains. |
If you live on the River Cam or the Great Ouse or if you have a local interest you might like to join the Cam Boaters e-mail newsgroup. |